Open Call for Participants — Training course: Mindfulness & Non-Violent Communication as Tools for Conflict Transformation

Starting November 22nd — till 29/11/ 2023 — Training course in Rhodes, Greece

looking for: 28 young participants

being residents in one of the partner countries: Greece, France, Cyprus, Italy, Germany, Poland, Spain & Portugal.

when: 22/11–29/11/2023 (including travel dates — 6 days of training and 2 days of travel)

venue: Rhodes, Greece

Deadline for application: 24th of September, 00.00 CET

👉👉 Click here to apply! 

Write to this e-mail with the Subject: “Mindfulness & Nvc KA1”

iasmoscollective [at]

Mindfulness & Non-Violent Communication (NVC) as Tools for Conflict Transformation is a project financed by the European Union’s Erasmus+ Programme.

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